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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a FWA or Fixed Wireless Access Provider?Fixed Wirless Access, or FWAs, is how ISPs connect their customers on the "Last Mile" using wireless connectivity. Much like cell phone providers, FWAs also use terrestrial towers with wireless access points, or APs, to provide broadband coverage to consumers and business. This is becoming a very popular form of "Last Mile Connectivity" due to the expedience and low cost investment to deploy these solutions utilizing both Unlicensed and Licensed radio spectrum, and delivering speeds to their customers from 25 Mbps up to gigabit. This allows these types of ISPs the capability to compete with FTTH or Cable providers.
What areas or territories does WavSpeed invest in?WavSpeed invests in companies or individuals within the United States. We help individuals or companies just starting out or with redesigning, engineering, or reorganization that are focused in the telecommunications industries, and focusing on ISPs, ITSPs, and MSPs.
Is WavSpeed and "Angel Investor"?"WavSpeed is not an Angel Investor, but more like a partner. WavSpeed utilizes it's partner groups and their engineers and operators to assist in helping build more successful companies modeled after a successful platform and business plan that has been proven since 2005. While WavSpeed does invest into the prospective new companies, the partner for that company will also have to invest their percentage of ownership as well. The speed of growth and size you would like to grow into depends on how motivated the partner would be for the area they are wanting to start up in.
How do I get more information to partner with WavSpeed?Everyone at WavSpeed is available and ready to have a discussion with prospetive partners based upon a scheduled conference call or "Zoom" or "Teams" meeting. For more information on contacting us, please click HERE to take you to our Contact page.
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